Beaver CrossFit's Member of the Month for September

Jennifer is pictured in the top left row.

Jennifer is pictured in the top left row.

Congratulations to Beaver CrossFits Member of the Month Jennifer M. Kast. Jeni has been a member at Beaver CrossFit for a year and a half. She never let's anything stop her. Jeni is no stranger to to hard work. You will catch her in the early morning class at 430am. She has come leaps and bounds since she started with us. Just watching her transform and move her body is remarkable. I think she doubted that shed ever be able to squat 2 years ago and now she is squatting with phenomenal form and a weighted barbell:))

Since starting her CrossFit journey Jennifer has lost 25lbs and gained so much body awareness, her functional movement has improved so much and she understands her limitations and her body more then ever now. Coaching her hasn't always been the easiest as she would want to push her limitations and wasn't always the most patient person when it came to progress. However im happy to say she has grown and is so easy to coach now and her mindset is so different. Her attitude and positivity radiates in the early morning hour. You have come a very long ways Jennifer and we are very very happy to have you apart of our fitness family!

Were so proud of you girl!!!

Get to know Jennifer a little more by reading below.

🀩🀩πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ😊I started my journey to better health with doing sandbag classes with my sister Jess. I quickly learned that the more I exercised the better I felt. When the idea of CrossFit came up, I thought there is "no way at my age that I can do CrossFit!" Then I took the onramp and thought "okay this will be tough but I can do this." I have been doing CrossFit now for over a year and a half and I feel great, have more strength and I have lot more flexibility in my bones and joints.

πŸ‘‰what class to you mostly attend?
I am one of the crazy 4:30 a.m. CrossFit people. I really enjoy everyone I work out with and the coaches are awesome.

πŸ‘‰ what do you like about cf?
I love CrossFit because it helps to make me accountable to "do the work." Whether it is running (which if anyone knows me, they know how much I love to run -haha), or learning the right way to do the lifts, I know that I have gotten better and will continue to make my fitness goals happen even though it may take awhile.

πŸ‘‰ what is your favorite lift and why?
My favorite lift is the push press because I feel strong when I do it.

πŸ‘‰what is your least favorite lift and why? 
My least favorite is probably the overhead squat with my shoulder flexibility.